Farr 40 - Women at the Helm Regatta - Day 2

  • Sun, August 11, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Marina del Rey, CA 90292


  • Please register as a floater. You will be assigned in a position either before the sail or on-board. Please feel free to contact the skipper if you want to discuss!

Registration is closed

The Association of Santa Monica Bay Yacht Clubs presents
Women on the Water / Women at the Helm Regatta

Want to know one of the best fun facts about this race? Your skipper, Nora, WON this regatta just last year in a J/111! This year, I wanted to promote the US Patriot Sailing program, and, most especially, try to promote the program among local women sailors to add some more women to our ranks! And, I'm the Race Chair!!! So, you know our great team will make a big impression! Don't worry if you don't have a lot of racing experience. We have some really great people on our team and we have every chance to do fantastic!

Race Information: https://www.regattaman.com/new_event_page.php?race_id=590&yr=2024

Boat: Farr 40

We will meet at one of the yacht clubs in Marina del Rey, probably California Yacht Club. Park at the public parking just outside of the Club parking lot. Parking is free.

In general, please register as a floater. Positions may be assigned prior to, or on the day of the race. You're welcome to contact Nora and let her know your preferences and experience prior to the race. Can't make both days? No problem! Each day is set as an individual event; just sign up for the ones you can attend.

Nora Harris will be the POC for this event. You can e-mail her at harris.nora@uspatriotsailing.org or call or e-mail her with questions.

Boat call is 10am; we leave the dock as soon as possible. We're usually back to the dock by 5pm, and there is a fantastic post-race party at Santa Monica Windjammers Yacht Club. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN FILLED, REFILLABLE WATER BOTTLE. There is water to fill your bottle at the Club.

US Patriot Sailing, Inc.
4750 Camp Roosevelt Dr. 
Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732


US Patriot Sailing, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation
TAX ID: 46-4005941

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